Benefits of Linux Web Hosting
Nowadays mostly all of us are quite aware and familiar with website. A website mainly consists of web space, web pages and, domain name. When you launch website first you have to select appropriate domain name then determine host server on which your files are uploaded. When you are looking for web hosting company, than you heard about Linux web hosting. Linux web hosting services are secured, powerful and dependable. For a technical person Linux web hosting is a well known word. Here I explain detailing about Linux web hosting.
- Linux: Before understanding Linux web hosting, first you know about Linux. Linux is an operating like windows XP, Windows vista. Installation of linux operating system is cheap and easy. Linux web hosting is efficient, stable and reliable system for both web and mail server.
- History of Linux: Linux is an advanced version of UNIX operating system. It was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Torvald wanted to make a non-commercial replacement of Minix. So he came up with Linux kernel. A kernel is a core part of Linux operating system.
Benefits of Linux web hosting
Cost effective: Linux web hosting is cheaper to use. Linux is an open source platform and free to use but it doesn’t mean that it compromises while providing service. It offered same speed, stability and reliability as window web hosting offer. Small business owners that may be on a budget will assuredly be attracted to the cost-effectiveness of Linux.
- Reliability: Linux web hosting is well known for its reliability. As Linux is open source software therefore it can be fixed anywhere easily when problem arise. It is not known for crashing or experiencing problems. Granted, problems do arise as no operating system can exist without flaws.
- Flexibility: Due to its open source behavior it is flexible for various distributers. Flexible means if web hosting providers and web publisher want add things to the system, then system can setup itself with such integrated items.
- Acquire support easily: With Linux web hosting, we can easily acquire support if support is needed. Website publishers do not left hanging when an issue occurs.
- A website designed to be hosted on a Linux based web server can also be hosted on a windows based web server, whereas the reverse isn't possible.
- Compatibility: Linux web hosting is platform compatible and can work with any platform and database like PHP, MySQL, wordpress etc. It can possibly integrate with other platform like JAVA Linux web hosting users are free to opt scripting languages.
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